A classic issue with bustling crowded out of school clubs is that they can sometimes appear a little bewildering to a child who has just served a full day at school!!! ……..Well we can put an end to that right here, right now! Tarquin Childcare Services believes in quality, not quantity and allows children that extra space to breathe and move, unwind and relax after a ‘hard day at the office!’
Another well voiced worry is that many out of school clubs run term time only!!!……Not here!!! Consistency and continuity is of utmost importance to us! We are here for the service of your children (and in turn yourselves!) right through all major holidays and indeed, wherever possible even on inset days!
Constraints of childcare can be a real (and expensive) complication when you have that early meeting at work or are stuck in traffic at the end of an arduous day!!!…Worry no more, dear grown-ups!!! Here at Tarquin Childcare Services we pride ourselves on flexibility and adaptability and will endeavour to meet those needs at either end of the day whenever they arise! (See policies)
Some who may claim that out of school clubs are merely baby-sitting couldn’t be more wrong in our case!!!……As well as providing the usual mix of toys, activities and games consoles we offer educationally stimulating opportunities in all shapes and sizes, including the homework zone (complete with assistance) and science zone (sooo cool!!).
Finally, everyone who happens upon me either personally or professionally swiftly learns that my passion, focus and philosophies are utterly dedicated to raising children’s self-esteem!!! I (and all of my ‘Tarquinised’ staff) truly believe that self-esteem = confidence, confidence = self-awareness, self-awareness = happy, content children….and everybody knows…. happy, content children = very happy grown-ups!!!